Need reviewers - jdk testing changes 6888927

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Wed Nov 4 02:45:40 UTC 2009


Wow, you've been busy.

The thing that stood out to me was the use of SLASH_JAVA which is 
something of a Sun legacy which doesn't apply to folk outside Sun.  And, 
looking at the file as a whole, it's clear there are many different 
sections, not all of which apply to the OpenJDK community.   Would it 
not help to split this file up into sections for the various test 
suites, or at least into a couple of files like jtreg.gmk and other.gmk 
so that people outside Sun have a better chance of figuring out this file.

-- Jon

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> I need some formal reviewers on these jdk/test/Makefile changes.
> More polish and changes may need to be done later, but there
> is value in what I have now, and I need lots of help to improve
> things (and fix some of our testcases).
> Here is the bugid and webrev:
> 6888927: Fix jdk jtreg tests to indicate which ones need othervm, 
> allow for use of samevm option
> The goal was to see if we could easily run most of the regression
> tests in the jdk/test directory, in minimum time, and without so
> much noise (e.g. do not run unstable or problematic tests).
> This could then be used as a benchmark to validate some quality measure
> of the jdk7 that was built.
> The primary changes include:
>   * New jdk/test/Makefile targets: jdk_all jdk_lang jdk_util jdk_nio ...
>   * Addition of a jdk/test/ProblemList file to be used by 
> jdk/test/Makefile
> I tried to group all the tests (by directory names) into jdk_* sets, then
> tried to balance them as to how long each set ran and if they could be 
> run
> with the jtreg -samevm option. The balancing was tricky, and will need 
> more
> polish, along with the virtual frame buffer idea. I also had to give up
> on the awt, rmi, and swing tests until the Xvfb issues are figured out.
> I chose to not actually modify the tests themselves if they needed 
> fixing,
> it was just too overwhelming. So developers and teams may want to 
> browse the
> ProblemList for their favorite tests (which aren't my favorites ;^) and
> consider what they might want to do.
> With this new jdk/test/Makefile, anybody can:
>   cd jdk/test
>   gnumake [PRODUCT_HOME=${YOUR_JDK7_HOME}] 
> [JT_HOME=${YOUR_JTREG_HOME}] jdk_all
> And run about 3,000+ tests that SHOULD PASS in roughly 2 hours if your
> machine isn't too slow and old. I was able to run it in 90 minutes on a
> monster OpenSolaris AMD machine which had 16Gb RAM and 16 2.2Ghz cpus.
> Then I added "-j 4" to the gnumake command line and it only took 30mins!
> So the various jdk_* make targets can be run in parallel.
> Please let me know what you think.
> -kto

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