6856630: Restructure jaxp/jaxws repository

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Nov 5 00:29:06 UTC 2009

Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/11/4 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at sun.com>:
>> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>> 2009/11/4 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at sun.com>:
>>>> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>>>> 2009/11/4 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at sun.com>:
>>>>>> I'm basically ok with this, but have one concern.
>>>>>> There is no longer a default ant value for drops.dir, it is only
>>>>>> set via the Makefile. Maybe that's ok, just not sure.
>>>>>> I think it means that a plain 'ant' command will always download
>>>>>> from the url. Again, maybe that's fine. So I'm ok with the push.
>>>>> Ah I see what you mean.  I changed things so all the logic was in one
>>>>> place in the Makefile:
>>>>> ifdef ALT_DROPS_DIR
>>>>> else
>>>>>  DROPS_DIR = $(ALT_JDK_DEVTOOLS_DIR)/share/jdk7-drops
>>>>>  else
>>>>>  DROPS_DIR = $(_SLASHJAVA)/devtools/share/jdk7-drops
>>>>>  endif
>>>>> endif
>>>>> so you get the same behaviour as before, but as you say, only when
>>>>> running ant via the makefile.
>>>>> Is ant ever run directly in this situation? I've never had reason to do
>>>>> so.
>>>> I do manually, and if you build via the NetBeans project. But the url
>>>> usage should work.
>>>>> Either way, I can add an updated version back to the build.xml.
>>>>> That's not a problem, as we'll never use it.
>>>>> Can you allocate a bug ID so I can push? :)
>>>> 6898251: Add ALT_DROPS_DIR feature to jaxp/jaxws
>>>> -kto
>>>>>> I've learned to keep ant scripts out of the environment variable
>>>>>> business if at all possible, so leaving any env var logic in
>>>>>> the makefiles may be fine.
>>>>>> Keeping the ant<->make boundaries simple seems like an essential
>>>>>> thing to do, sigh, but is anything "simple" with ant scripts or
>>>>>> Makefiles... :^(
>>>>> I know what you mean all too well... :(
>>>>> At one point, I managed to have three different JDKs, all from
>>>>> different vendors, involved in the building of langtools...
>>>>>> -kto
>>>>>> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>>>>>>> 2009/10/28 Andrew John Hughes <gnu_andrew at member.fsf.org>:
>>>>>>> snip..
>>>>>>>> Well spotted; revised version here:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/drops/webrev.03/
>>>>>>> Does this look ok to push?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>> You've probably mentioned this before, but to which tree? I have it
>>> applied to tl here for some reason I can't now remember...
>> You will need to use the jdk7/tl forest.
>> The jdk7/build forest doesn't have the jdk7/tl jaxp/jaxws changes yet.
>> -kto
> Thanks all.
> Pushed:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/tl/jaxp/rev/26b97fd0e595
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/tl/jaxws/rev/600bc3d048be

Did you plan on doing this to jdk6 too?


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