sh files in ProblemList (was Re: Need reviewers - jdk testing changes 6888927)

Max (Weijun) Wang Weijun.Wang at Sun.COM
Mon Nov 9 23:52:10 UTC 2009

> But I think your shell tests may have been just problematic when  
> multiple
> instances of them are run on one machine, like a port number problem.
> That's hard for me to diagnose quickly, so when tests failed with
> any kind of BindException or 'address already in use', I just added
> them to the list and moved on.

Most of the failed tests for me is in sun/security/tools, where  
there's no port number problem. In these tests, I normally run keytool/ 
javac/jar/jarsigner multiple times, and generate keystore, java, jar  
files. I assume all these are done inside a single directory.

Is it possible that these tests may run parallel? Then I may need to  
use different file names for all of them.


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