Fix for 6888888 breaks the build

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Mon Oct 26 20:16:39 UTC 2009

2009/10/16 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
> Tim Bell wrote:
>>> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
>> (snip!)
>>>> I think there's still an issue here that makes this patch worth
>>>> pushing.   The 6888888 fix didn't cause the bug, but merely made it
>>>> visible to a lot more people.  So 6889255 will only hide it again.
>>>> The build uses JAVA_TOOLS_DIR for javac, javah and javadoc:
>>>>  # If no explicit tools, use boot tools (add VM flags in this case)
>>>>  JAVAC_CMD     = $(JAVA_TOOLS_DIR)/javac $(JAVAC_JVM_FLAGS) \
>>>>                  $(JAVACFLAGS)
>>>>  JAVAH_CMD     = $(JAVA_TOOLS_DIR)/javah \
>>>>                  $(JAVAHFLAGS)
>>>> but only when LANGTOOLS_DIST is not defined.  Normally, langtools is
>>>> built first so LANGTOOLS_DIST is defined.  What your fix for 6888888
>>>> did was cause the setting for JAVAH to get used in all cases and, as
>>>> JAVA_TOOLS_DIR defaults to ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH rather than BOOTDIR
>>>> this fails in many cases as the user sets ALT_BOOTDIR not
>>>> In jdk_generic_profile, it seems ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH is set to
>>>> ${jdk_instances}/${importjdk} if it exists.  On Solaris,
>>>> ${jdk_instances} is set to /usr/jdk/instances which probably explains
>>>> why Sun engineers building on Solaris may not see this bug either.
>>>> ${jdk_instances} is set to /opt/java on GNU/Linux, whereas distros
>>>> tend to have standardised on /usr/lib/jvm.  It's simply "C:" on
>>>> Windows.  As mentioned on IRC, release engineering are setting
>>>> ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH explicitly so also would never see this bug.
>>>> As we presumably want the tools from the bootstrap JDK, and not from
>>>> 'the import JDK to be used to get hotspot VM if not built', I suggest
>>>> we switch to BOOTDIR by default by applying this patch.
>> Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> This probably explains problems I've reported informally to Kelly a
>>> while back, but never got around to formally investigating.     FWIW,
>>> this fix does not interfere with the fix for 6889255 coming up, and this
>>> fix seems like a good idea to me.
>> OK - I filed a new bug report:
>>  6892021 "Build tools from ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH versus BOOTDIR"
>> with a pointer to this email thread.
>> Kelly - do you have an opinion on this?
> The goal was that a full jdk build would never need a ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH
> at all. And all class files would have been created by the LANGTOOLS_DIST
> compiler (hotspot was a special case, using the ALT_BOOTDIR to compile).
> But no class files would ever be created by the javac in ALT_BOOTDIR.
> ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH was supposed to only come into play when someone
> was doing what I called a 'partial build', and it provided the missing
> pieces, including a jdk7 flavored javac compiler.
> The other tools were less well defined in their use.
> The jar tool in ALT_BOOTDIR is always used to build jars as I recall.
> The javah and javadoc story I'm not so sure about. I thought they would
> have followed the same rules as javac.
> Not sure my ramblings are helping here....  :^(
> -kto
>> Thanks-
>> Tim

Did we come to a decision on this? I was reminded of it today because
none of the forests will build for me (except IcedTea which I've
patched) due to this bug.

If we don't want to change from using ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH, we could at
least make it default to the BOOTDIR rather than a deliberately broken
path.  Though I still fail to see the need to point to two different
JDKs simultaneously...
Andrew :-)

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