Fix for 6888888 breaks the build
Andrew John Hughes
gnu_andrew at
Mon Oct 26 21:12:40 UTC 2009
2009/10/26 Jonathan Gibbons <Jonathan.Gibbons at>:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> 2009/10/26 Andrew John Hughes <gnu_andrew at>:
> 2009/10/16 Kelly O'Hair <Kelly.Ohair at>:
> Tim Bell wrote:
> Andrew John Hughes wrote:
> (snip!)
> I think there's still an issue here that makes this patch worth
> pushing. The 6888888 fix didn't cause the bug, but merely made it
> visible to a lot more people. So 6889255 will only hide it again.
> The build uses JAVA_TOOLS_DIR for javac, javah and javadoc:
> # If no explicit tools, use boot tools (add VM flags in this case)
> but only when LANGTOOLS_DIST is not defined. Normally, langtools is
> built first so LANGTOOLS_DIST is defined. What your fix for 6888888
> did was cause the setting for JAVAH to get used in all cases and, as
> this fails in many cases as the user sets ALT_BOOTDIR not
> In jdk_generic_profile, it seems ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH is set to
> ${jdk_instances}/${importjdk} if it exists. On Solaris,
> ${jdk_instances} is set to /usr/jdk/instances which probably explains
> why Sun engineers building on Solaris may not see this bug either.
> ${jdk_instances} is set to /opt/java on GNU/Linux, whereas distros
> tend to have standardised on /usr/lib/jvm. It's simply "C:" on
> Windows. As mentioned on IRC, release engineering are setting
> ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH explicitly so also would never see this bug.
> As we presumably want the tools from the bootstrap JDK, and not from
> 'the import JDK to be used to get hotspot VM if not built', I suggest
> we switch to BOOTDIR by default by applying this patch.
> Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> This probably explains problems I've reported informally to Kelly a
> while back, but never got around to formally investigating. FWIW,
> this fix does not interfere with the fix for 6889255 coming up, and this
> fix seems like a good idea to me.
> OK - I filed a new bug report:
> 6892021 "Build tools from ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH versus BOOTDIR"
> with a pointer to this email thread.
> Kelly - do you have an opinion on this?
> The goal was that a full jdk build would never need a ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH
> at all. And all class files would have been created by the LANGTOOLS_DIST
> compiler (hotspot was a special case, using the ALT_BOOTDIR to compile).
> But no class files would ever be created by the javac in ALT_BOOTDIR.
> ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH was supposed to only come into play when someone
> was doing what I called a 'partial build', and it provided the missing
> pieces, including a jdk7 flavored javac compiler.
> The other tools were less well defined in their use.
> The jar tool in ALT_BOOTDIR is always used to build jars as I recall.
> The javah and javadoc story I'm not so sure about. I thought they would
> have followed the same rules as javac.
> Not sure my ramblings are helping here.... :^(
> -kto
> Thanks-
> Tim
> Did we come to a decision on this? I was reminded of it today because
> none of the forests will build for me (except IcedTea which I've
> patched) due to this bug.
> If we don't want to change from using ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH, we could at
> least make it default to the BOOTDIR rather than a deliberately broken
> path. Though I still fail to see the need to point to two different
> JDKs simultaneously...
> --
> Andrew :-)
> Free Java Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Inc. (
> Support Free Java!
> Contribute to GNU Classpath and the OpenJDK
> PGP Key: 94EFD9D8 (
> Fingerprint: F8EF F1EA 401E 2E60 15FA 7927 142C 2591 94EF D9D8
> I take it this is the error:
> # Running javah:
> /mnt/builder/icedtea7/bootstrap/jdk1.6.0/bin/javah -bootclasspath
> /mnt/builder/icedtea7/openjdk/build/linux-amd64/classes -d
> /mnt/builder/icedtea7/openjdk/build/linux-amd64/tmp/sun/
> \
> An exception has occurred in the compiler (1.7.0_0). Please file a bug
> at the Java Developer Connection
> ( after checking the Bug Parade
> for duplicates. Include your program and the following diagnostic in
> your report. Thank you.
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at$MethodSymbol.params(
> at
> at
> at
> javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6.visitExecutable(
> at$MethodSymbol.accept(
> at javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6.scan(
> at
> at
> at javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6.scan(
> at
> javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6.visitType(
> at$ClassSymbol.accept(
> at javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6.scan(
> at
> at
> at javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6.scan(
> at
> javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6.visitType(
> at$ClassSymbol.accept(
> at javax.lang.model.util.ElementScanner6.scan(
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> Should have clicked with me earlier, but I presume this also stops a
> full bootstrap as well as the FontManager issue
> (/mnt/builder/icedtea7/bootstrap/jdk1.6.0/bin/javah above is the
> just-built OpenJDK). Looks like IcedTea won't be able to support b74.
> I hope RE learn from this and do a full bootstrap before promoting
> b75, especially as that one is supposed to be the milestone. b74
> certainly gets the award for most broken promoted build so far.
> Andrew,
> This should now be fixed.
> -- Jon
That's excellent news. Do you happen to know which changeset(s) fix
the issue? I can then pull them into IcedTea ahead of time.
Andrew :-)
Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (
Support Free Java!
Contribute to GNU Classpath and the OpenJDK
PGP Key: 94EFD9D8 (
Fingerprint: F8EF F1EA 401E 2E60 15FA 7927 142C 2591 94EF D9D8
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