Need reviewers - 6856630: Restructure jaxp/jaxws repository

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Thu Sep 3 19:20:26 UTC 2009

Trying to make my life difficult aren't you? ;^)

Ok, I'm trying to remember the JAF discussion I had with your team
a while back.

As I understand it, JAF (javax.activation), as it exists in the
OpenJDK sources (both jdk7 and jdk6) is not
changing, and nobody has any plans to change it, and in fact
the jaxws team would like to rely on those files existing 'as is'
in the JDK. There is no active work going on with JAF, or that
is what I was told.

After the jaxp/jaxws/corba split in jdk7, I was the one that moved JAF
from the larger jdk (used to be called j2se) repository to the
jaxws repository, bug was
That was a while ago. The reason seemed to be so that jaxws repo could
then be built with jdk5 (which did not have javax.activation), and because
only the jaxws sources used javax.activation.

I will TRY to see if I can create a second source bundle for the jaxws
repository, jdk7-jmf*.zip and separate out these sources, or maybe
leave them in the jaxws repository as a second source input to the
build. Opinions on how this is done?

But the jdk jaxws repository will still be the vehicle for the JAF class
files to get delivered into the final jdk build image.
Is that still ok with you?


Rama Pulavarthi wrote:
> In jax-ws repo, Can Java Activation Framework (JAF) sources be packaged
> in a separate bundle from jax-ws/jaxb source bundle.
> thanks,
> Rama Pulavarthi
> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> Need reviewers (jaxp and jaxws repository changes):
>> 6856630: Restructure jaxp/jaxws repositories
>> Goal is to ease the jaxp and jaxws integration into jdk7.
>> The JAXP or JAXWS teams would make the jdk7 source drop bundles
>> available,
>> and integration into jdk7 would involve the modifications of
>> some properties in jaxp/ to use different drop bundles.
>>   * 'ant source' populates the drop source and would be run prior to
>>     the creation of larger source bundles for openjdk7 and jdk7.
>>   * Test bundle specifics and how the tests are run are TBD
>>   * Original source is still in the "src/" directory and after
>>     some soak time will be deleted from the repository or moved aside.
>>   * Formal builds can use ALT_JAX*_SOURCE_BUNDLE to select the bundle.
>> -kto

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