Should GNU make 3.81 be required?

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 15 18:14:28 UTC 2009

Mark Reinhold wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 10:44:08 -0700
>> From: joe.darcy at
>> For as long as I remember, we've used make 3.78.*.  I assume the most
>> problematic platform to upgrade is windows.  However, if there are significant
>> benefits build time benefits, I think upgrading the make version is justified.
> I completely agree.
> It's not like 3.81 is new or anything.  It was released in 2006.
> - Mark

And 3.78.1 is 1999, pre Y2K! :^{


It's hard to say that just converting to 3.81 is a performance boost,
but my changes certainly will an improvement, and it's kind of hard to
accomplish with 10 year old software. :^(


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