Need reviewers - 6856630: Restructure jaxp/jaxws repository

Joe Wang at
Tue Sep 15 18:28:06 UTC 2009


I'm downloading the JAXP bundle from the kenai test site. It was very 
slow initially (almost not moving). But it became normal after I killed 
the 1st attempt. I'm not sure if that's what you meant when you 
mentioned kenai download was not stable. Maybe it was my internet 
connection. Did you mean to use kenai instead of the JAXP project site 
for the JAXP source bundle download?

We have a stopper bug after the performance improvement in jdk6u14, 
which we've just fixed and delivered into u17. We will need to update 
the JAXP source bundle for JDK7 as well. Please let us know when you're 
ready for a jprt build. I'll update the source bundle with the fix and 
some more  recent changes.


Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Mark Reinhold wrote:
>>> Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:17:19 -0700
>>> From: kelly.ohair at
>>> Joe Darcy wrote:
>>>> Generally looks okay; one minor comment, the jaxp webrev has files 
>>>> that
>>>> appear to be moved as being deleted and added.
>>> Yeah, I think that's an artifact of the way I move my patch from one
>>> workspace to another.
>>> I'll try and fix it when the final changeset is created.
>> hg diff/export --git should do the trick, right?
>> - Mark
> I thought that's what I used.... Maybe I forgot to use 'hg mv -A' 
> before I ran diff.
> -kto

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