Should GNU make 3.81 be required?

Brad Wetmore Bradford.Wetmore at Sun.COM
Wed Sep 16 01:40:44 UTC 2009

I only mentioned the sum because the one Kelly was suggesting was 
probably the same one I got from cmake.  I wasn't suggesting that you 
should be testing for that particular version.

I would hope you can just create a simple check to see if the drive 
letter logic is on, possibly using cygpath.


Tim Bell wrote:
> Brad wrote:
>> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>  > I have a 3.81 for cygwin at
>> This binary sums to the same value as the one on cmake.
>> Brad "Spent way too much time on this in July" Wetmore
> Ow - my head hurts.  So we need Windows GNU make version 3.81 that
> also has an MD5 sum with a magic value?!?!?
> Not sure where to begin.
> On OpenSolaris I would do:
>    /usr/bin/digest -a md5  `which gmake`
> On Windows with Cygwin, I guess I have to settle for something
> else - I don't know what it is at the moment.
> Tim

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