Preliminary work on jdk build time improvements

Brad Wetmore Bradford.Wetmore at Sun.COM
Wed Sep 16 02:06:38 UTC 2009

This is a great optimization.

A couple comments.


Haven't quite figured out why if MAKELEVEL=0 you export $1:=$2, but only 
export $1 if MAKELEVEL != 0.  Sure there's a good reason why, doc'ing it 
would be appreciated.

48/49:  (if $(strip $1)...

according to the gnumake docs:

     $(if condition,then-part[,else-part])

     The first argument, condition, first has all preceding and trailing
     whitespace stripped, then is expanded...

I don't think you need to specifically strip.

I like the $(or...) mods.  Cleans up the logic very nicely.


Not sure why you added 2 spaces of indention on lines 85-87.


Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> Here is a preliminary (and incomplete) webrev on some changes
> I've been working on to reduce the build time.
> 6875240: Reduce Makefile build time by limiting repeated exec's (mostly 
> for cygwin building)
> The Windows cygwin builds will benefit the most on this, but
> all platforms will get some benefits.
> Comments and suggestions on this are welcome.
> -kto

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