Need reviewer - regression in corba build

Xiomara Jayasena Xiomara.Jayasena at Sun.COM
Fri Sep 18 22:50:39 UTC 2009

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> We have run into a corba build problem, not all the classes are
> getting delivered via the corba/dist/lib/classes.jar file.
> It appears to be some strange interaction with VPATH and the
> wildcard logic I added recently in changeset
> I filed
>   6883790: corba build problem related to wildcard and vpath, regression
> Webrev is here:
> I'm just putting back the FIND logic instead of using wildcard.
> Not everyone was seeing the problem, so it's some kind of strange
> unpredictable thing that isn't seen by everyone.
> I only managed to reproduce it on a solaris 10 sparc machine.

I am seeing in on the 32 bit fedora system as well and of course both 
solaris 32 and 64 bit systems.

> -kto

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