Request for review: README-builds.html updates

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Wed Sep 23 14:37:05 UTC 2009

2009/9/23 Dalibor Topic <Dalibor.Topic at>:
> Hi,
> Bringing the docs from OpenJDK 6 and OpenJDK 7 a bit more in line,
> I offer you the following webrev for review, fixing
> 6872735: Further update build readme for new platforms
> 6641691: Bring build readme's up-to-date
> with one potential commit:
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> --
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> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Martin Häring

The Fedora stuff looks a bit odd.  For 9, you have:

+	      <code>yum-builddep java-openjdk</code>
+	      <p/>
+	      <code>yum install gcc gcc-c++</code>
+	      <p/>
+	      In addition, it's necessary to set a few environment variables
for the build:
+	      <p/>
+	      <code>export LANG=C ALT_BOOTDIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk</code>

but then for 10 and 11:

+	      <code>yum-builddep java-1.6.0-openjdk</code>
+	      <p/>
+	      <code>yum install gcc gcc-c++</code>
+	      <p/>
+	      In addition, it's necessary to set a few environment variables
for the build:
+	      <p/>
+	      <code>export LANG=C ALT_BOOTDIR=/usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk</code>
+            </blockquote>

I think either java-openjdk or java-1.6.0-openjdk should be used
consistently throughout.  The former is probably most future proof, as
it should still work when OpenJDK7 is released around March.

Otherwise, looks good.  Thanks for the update,
Andrew :-)

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