JDK build questions

David Dabbs dmdabbs at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 17:24:47 UTC 2010

Hello. My apologies if these questions are OT for this list.

On the premise that building my own binaries could yield performance
improvements versus the Sun(Oracle)-provided binaries I've decided to 
tinker with building from source.

* My first question is "Is this a reasonable premise?"

* If so, is it possible to build using Intel's compiler?

* Now that Visual Studio 2010 has been released will there be an 
  option to use it to build the JDK under Windows?

* If I build on a recent Xeon with "gcc -march=native ..." would one expect 
  to see performance differences versus the Sun(Oracle)-provided binary to 
  justify the effort?

* I have recently been tinkering with Intel's memory allocator and TCMalloc,
  Would compiling with these be expected to a) even work and b) yield perf
  improvements worth the effort.


Thank you,

David Dabbs

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