Building with MinGW?

Martin Buchholz martinrb at
Sat Apr 24 16:27:38 UTC 2010

Building OpenJDK is known to be difficult,
and that is especially so on Windows,
but people do it regularly.

Don't use any paths containing spaces.


On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 08:42, Raffaello Giulietti
<raffaello.giulietti at> wrote:
> Let me put things in perspective.
> I'm not interested in building OpenJDK7 per se. I would use the binary
> snapshots, were it not for the fact that, for my purposes, I need the
> latest extensions provided by the MLVM project. Unfortunately, there is
> no binary snapshot for that, so I need to download the Mercurial
> repository, apply the MLVM specific patches and build it.
> Now, I invested two frustrating days in trying to build the "pure"
> OpenJDK7, i.e., without the MLVM extensions. I did it according to the
> details described in the quite complete "OpenJDK Build README" page. So
> I used the expected licensed VisualStudio compiler. The problems I
> encountered can be generally grouped in the "path not found" category,
> be it because of spaces in the path, because of \ versus /, etc. As a
> consequence, I didn't even try a build with the MLVM extensions.
> To be clear, I'm not complaining about the README or the like. I'm only
> reporting my experience with such a complex system and its build.
> So, the real reason behind my request for a MinGW based build is that it
> would be a second chance to try a build of the MLVM. But since nobody
> seems to have first-hand experience with OpenJDK7/MinGW, I'll gather my
> energies and my patience and retry with VisualStudio.
> RG
> On 2010-04-21 18:40, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> On Apr 21, 2010, at 5:58 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm wondering if anybody has already tried to build OpenJDK7 on Windows
>>> using the MinGW suite.
>> If they have, I never heard from them.
>>> * Is there anything known to be a hard to circumvent show stopper?
>> To me the basic problem is that with "Windows" it is hard to separate
>> the code
>> dependencies on the OS, some Windows SDK, something specific to Visual
>> Studio,
>> etc. I'm not saying it would be impossible, but it is not a simple
>> change and
>> parts of the jdk might be very difficult to disconnect from Visual Studio
>> dependencies. The code has assumed Visual Studio for a long long time.
>> If someone did it, and we were able to build either way, and the changes
>> weren't
>> too outrageous, I'm sure we consider accepting that contribution.
>> But I just don't think it will be that simple.
>>> * Is it known why Visual C++ is still the reference build system on
>>> Windows?
>> It was probably chosen as the defacto standard on Windows a long time
>> ago and
>> there was never any value in changing that.
>> The performance was probably a key issue, and whether or not you could
>> convert
>> to a different compiler set, before the official builds would ever
>> change you
>> would need some very detailed performance measurements to verify no loss of
>> performance. That's not an easy job, or simple either.
>> ---
>> Any change to the compilers used to create the binary JDKs we distribute
>> is always
>> a change made very carefully. It might provide significant benefits, but
>> the
>> hidden dangers are often difficult to find and diagnose.
>> I know this binary distribution model is of less interest to some who
>> just want
>> to build the openjdk source for a particular platform, but it certainly
>> is a
>> critical issue for us. Compiler changes are carefully tracked.
>> -kto
>>> Thanks
>>> Raffaello

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