FYI: FreeType hinting is now enable by default

Lussier, Denis denisl at
Fri Aug 6 21:38:02 UTC 2010

This is great news!!  I know that using a recent version of  Freetype,
with hinting turned on, makes a huge difference in the quality of
displayed Fonts in Swing apps for OpenJDK on Windows builds.  On
Linux, I'm not sure why, but the font display seems good to me
independant of this.

This is already reflected in the OpenJDK 6 Build 20 Windows binaries
available on

On 8/6/10, Phil Race <philip.race at> wrote:
> Well .. that is the very newest freetype but the doc is correct in that
> its referring to 2.3
> However if you are on Linux then jdk will use the system freetype and some
> distros are disabling the hinting for technical reasons.
> I think the reason is that a lot of free fonts are not hinted so turning on
> instructed hinting either didn't help or made them worse ..
> -phil.
> On 8/6/2010 2:02 AM, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>> Contrary to what is stated here
>> byte code hinting is now enable by default since 2.4.0

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