Large block of warnings building jar files
Kelly O'Hair
kelly.ohair at
Sat Aug 21 02:12:00 UTC 2010
I checked on sun/awt/DebugHelper.class it no longer exists, but the
classlists used to reorder rt.jar
in jdk/make/tools/sharing still list it. I can only assume the rest of
these class files no longer exist.
On Aug 20, 2010, at 6:59 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> This is probably the changes I made to the JarReorder tool.
> It's possible the classlist supplied to the tool is stale, or I
> created a bug in the tool.
> The reorder classlists are rather old.
> -kto
> On Aug 20, 2010, at 4:49 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> Has anyone noticed the following large block of warnings in a jdk
>> build? This output is from a fairly standard build on Ubuntu.
>> -- Jon
>>> /bin/mkdir -p /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/
>>> tmp/reorder
>>> rm -f /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/tmp/
>>> reorder/file_list
>>> rm -f /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/tmp/
>>> reorder/file_list.temp
>>> (cd /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/classes && \
>>> /opt/jdk/1.6.0/bin/java -XX:-PrintVMOptions -XX:
>>> +UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-LogVMOutput -Xmx896m -Xms128m -
>>> XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=160m -jar /w/jjg/work/6570730-
>>> classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/btjars/jarreorder.jar \
>>> -o /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-
>>> amd64/tmp/reorder/file_list.temp /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/
>>> build/linux-amd64/lib/classlist /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/
>>> build/linux-amd64/tmp/not_rt_jar.list . )
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/util/
>>> Hashtable$EmptyEnumerator.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/util/
>>> Hashtable$EmptyIterator.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/io/File
>>> $1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/misc/
>>> JavaIODeleteOnExitAccess.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/io/Console
>>> $1$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/
>>> DebugHelper.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/
>>> DebugHelperStub.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/java2d/
>>> SunGraphicsEnvironment$TTFilter.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/java2d/
>>> SunGraphicsEnvironment$T1Filter.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/
>>> AWTAutoShutdown$PeerMap.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/font/
>>> FontManager$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/font/
>>> FontManager$FontRegistrationInfo.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/util/regex/
>>> Pattern$8.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/util/regex/
>>> Pattern$10.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/util/
>>> CurrencyData.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/util/regex/
>>> Pattern$9.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/color/
>>> ProfileDeferralInfo.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/color/
>>> ProfileDeferralMgr.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/color/
>>> ProfileActivator.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/java2d/pipe/
>>> DuctusShapeRenderer.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/java2d/pipe/
>>> DuctusRenderer.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> XToolkit$7.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/awt/
>>> EventQueueItem.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> XToolkit$XErrorHandler.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> XToolkit$5.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/util/
>>> LinkedList$Entry.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/XWM
>>> $2.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> XProtocol$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> IXAnyEvent.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/awt/
>>> MutableBoolean.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> XToolkit$6.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/awt/
>>> Component$NativeInLightFixer.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> UIManager$3.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> SystemEventQueueUtilities.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> SystemEventQueueUtilities$SystemEventQueue.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/security/
>>> provider/Sun$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> text/SimpleAttributeSet$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/font/
>>> FileFont$FileFontDisposer.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> ComponentAccessor.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> ComponentAccessor$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/java2d/x11/
>>> X11RemoteOffScreenImage.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/image/
>>> RemoteOffScreenImage.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/java2d/x11/
>>> X11RemoteOffScreenImage$X11RemoteSurfaceManager.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/image/
>>> OffScreenSurfaceManager.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/image/
>>> CachingSurfaceManager.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/image/
>>> RasterListener.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/java2d/x11/
>>> X11CachingSurfaceManager.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/lang/
>>> UNIXProcess$Gate.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/lang/
>>> UNIXProcess$1$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/lang/
>>> UNIXProcess$1$1$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> ToolTipManager$Actions.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/color/
>>> CMM.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> SystemEventQueueUtilities$ComponentWorkRequest.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> tree/DefaultMutableTreeNode$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/java2d/
>>> SunGraphicsEnvironment$2.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/nio/cs/ext/
>>> SJIS.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/nio/cs/ext/
>>> SJIS$Decoder.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> SystemEventQueueUtilities$RunnableCanvas.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> SystemEventQueueUtilities$RunnableCanvasGraphics.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: com/sun/java/
>>> swing/plaf/gtk/GTKDefaultEngine.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/font/
>>> FontManager$FontConfigInfo.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: com/sun/java/
>>> swing/plaf/gtk/GTKNativeEngine.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: com/sun/java/
>>> swing/plaf/gtk/GTKNativeEngine$WidgetType.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: com/sun/java/
>>> swing/plaf/gtk/GTKDefaultStyle.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: javax/swing/
>>> plaf/synth/DefaultMenuLayout.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/dc/path/
>>> PathConsumer.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/dc/pr/
>>> PathStroker.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/dc/pr/
>>> PathDasher.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: java/util/
>>> logging/LogManager$6.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/security/
>>> provider/PolicyInfo.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/security/
>>> provider/SelfPermission.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/applet/
>>> AppletClassLoader$4.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/X11/
>>> XMenuBarPeer$1.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/
>>> MostRecentThreadAppContext.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: META-INF/
>>> services/
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/motif/
>>> X11GB2312ecoder.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/motif/
>>> X11GB2312ncoder.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/motif/
>>> X11GBKncoder.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/motif/
>>> X11KSC5601ecoder.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: sun/awt/motif/
>>> X11KSC5601ncoder.class
>>> WARNING: Path does not exist as file or directory: com/sun/crypto/
>>> provider
>>> Included order file sun/nio/cs/ext/JIS_X_0201$Decoder.class is
>>> also excluded, skipping.
>>> Included order file sun/nio/cs/ext/DoubleByteDecoder.class is also
>>> excluded, skipping.
>>> Included order file sun/nio/cs/ext/JIS_X_0208_Decoder.class is
>>> also excluded, skipping.
>>> Included order file sun/nio/cs/ext/DelegatableDecoder.class is
>>> also excluded, skipping.
>>> Included order file sun/nio/cs/ext/ExtendedCharsets.class is also
>>> excluded, skipping.
>>> Included order file sun/security/provider/Sun.class is also
>>> excluded, skipping.
>>> /bin/mv /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/tmp/
>>> reorder/file_list.temp /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/
>>> linux-amd64/tmp/reorder/file_list
>>> /bin/mkdir -p /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/
>>> tmp/jarfilelists
>>> /opt/jdk/1.6.0/bin/java -XX:-PrintVMOptions -XX:
>>> +UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-LogVMOutput -Xmx896m -Xms128m -
>>> XX:PermSize=32m -XX:MaxPermSize=160m -jar /w/jjg/work/6570730-
>>> classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/btjars/jarsplit.jar \
>>> /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-amd64/
>>> tmp/reorder/file_list \
>>> -o /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/tl/build/linux-
>>> amd64/tmp/jarfilelists/rt_jar_list /w/jjg/work/6570730-classtree/
>>> tl/build/linux-amd64/tmp/jarfilelists/resources_jar_list
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