Need reviewers and comments: 6989472: Provide simple jdk identification information in the install image

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Wed Dec 1 15:45:00 UTC 2010

2.) jre/lib/xxx/jvm.cfg:
- additionally the copyright is out of date in that file on JRE-6_21 and JDK-6_20, at least for i386.


Am 01.12.2010 02:34, schrieb Kelly O'Hair:
> A revised proposal...
> Still called "jdk.release".
> But if people really think "" sounds ok, at least the names are unique and won't
> conflict.
> A Linux 64bit build should result in a jdk.release file that looks something like:
> = Linux
> jdk.os.version = 2.6
> jdk.os.arch = amd64
> = 1.7.0
> jdk.vm.cfg.files = jre/lib/amd64/jvm.cfg
> -kto

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