Another attempt at fixing sane-gcc-compiler

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Thu Dec 2 22:41:19 UTC 2010

I think the rules are broken.

The ifdef and ifndef and ifeq and ifneq statements are Make-isms and  
should not use TAB characters.
But the shell logic of the rule needs to have the line start with a  
TAB, so the "@if [..." line needs to start
with a TAB.

It is hard to see in a webrev, but I think you are missing the TAB  
before the "@if [...".


On Dec 2, 2010, at 12:11 PM, Mike Duigou wrote:

> The previous patch (CR 6998016) which attempted to fix the incorrect  
> ifdef nesting in the Sanity.gmk sane-gcc-compiler rule ran into a  
> problem on 32 bit versions of solaris due to a previously unreported  
> error in the use of REQUIRED_GCC_VERSION (which should have been  
> REQUIRED_GCC_VER). The fixes for 6998012 and 6998016 were backed out  
> temporarily to allow Oracle's internal integration process to  
> continue.
> I have now produced an updated webrev which includes the original  
> fixes from 6998012 and 6998016 as well as a fix for the blocker  
> problem on 32-bit solaris.
> Please review
> Thanks,
> Mike

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