jaxp/jaxws build problems

Per Bothner per.bothner at oracle.com
Fri Dec 10 07:32:03 UTC 2010

On 12/08/2010 09:09 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> The drops.dir was where the drop bundles came from.
> The drop.dir was where the exploded bundle lands in your repo area.
> Probably a poor choice of names. But I think this change will break things.

Thank for the response.  I seem to have finally figured out the correct
incantation of: bundles to download; the place to put them; and the
command-line flag to tell make/ant where to find them.  (I think before
I downloaded the wrong bundles.)

The build chugging along now, having gotten through jaxp and jaxws with
no patches or problems.   (Now there is a problem in hotspot's test_gamma,
but that's an unrelated problem.)
	--Per Bothner
per.bothner at oracle.com   per at bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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