Need reviewer and comments

Dalibor Topic dalibor.topic at
Wed Dec 22 12:27:54 UTC 2010

On 12/20/10 10:17 PM, Erik Trimble wrote:
> Our main problem with forests is that the forest extension appears to no longer be a part of the official Hg distribution 

Technically, it never was part of it. Hgforest was hosted on, then forked on bitbucket by
hgforest-crew (that's the still maintained version), and then while that one was in apparent limbo a few 
other forks appeared and added support for hg 1.6 & 1.7, then the hgforest-crew fork pulled those back in,

So, in short - use for a working hgforest.

Given that subrepos are in hg mainline now, I wouldn't expect to see hgforest make it in there, 
as well. 

dalibor topic

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