Need reviewers and comments: 6989472: Provide simple jdk identification information in the install image

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Wed Dec 22 22:19:58 UTC 2010

On Dec 22, 2010, at 9:09 AM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:

> On 16:29 Tue 21 Dec     , Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> I'm back with another stab at a webrev and modified proposal.
>> 6989472: Provide simple jdk identification information in the install
>> image
>> The above change creates a small text file called "release" at the  
>> top
>> of the
>> jdk or jre install image with some very basic values about that
>> install image.
>> For example, on Solaris 10 X86 the file would contain the 4 lines:
>> JAVA_VERSION="1.7.0"
>> OS_NAME="SunOS"
>> OS_VERSION="5.10"
>> OS_ARCH="i586"
>> They are not properties and don't look like properties.
> But they are available as system properties already; os.arch,  
>, os.version and java.version.
> So why do you need this file?

To do sanity checks on jdk images before you try and run them.


>> It doesn't contain trademark names or company names.
>> It unfortunately does not identify the specific VM, but it does
>> provide some basic
>> information about what the jdk image is and where it can be used.
>> To solve the original Eclipse issue really requires a similar file
>> delivered by the
>> VMs shipped with the JDK. That will need to be pursued with a
>> different CR.
>> -kto
> -- 
> Andrew :)
> Free Java Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Inc. (
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