Need Reviewer: OpenJDK7 Windows VS2010 warning silencing

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Tue Dec 28 23:19:47 UTC 2010

Need Reviewer: Windows VS2010 warning silencing

With Windows VS2010 compilers, we started seeing many warnings about  
supposedly insecure function usage.
These are not actually detecting errors as much as indicating that  
certain functions used have been known to
cause security issues when used improperly, so all uses will create a  
warning error.

As much as I agree that some of these functions should not be used  
(sprintf,...), I don't entirely agree with some
of these warnings, especially when the supposedly insecure function is  
used safely.
The change below should silence the bulk of these warnings, allowing  
us to see the more critical warnings that
we really need to fix, not sure what the future setting will be for  

Expect some efforts in the coming months to reduce warnings, and also  
reduce the use of selected 'banned functions'.

6991482: Add global jdk makefile options to silence some VS2010 warnings


P.S. For more on the Windows Banned functions, see:

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