Need reviewer: Add script to jdk7 repo

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Thu Dec 30 06:33:40 UTC 2010

On Dec 29, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Brad Wetmore wrote:

> Regarding the script you added to the repository:
> What expectations does this script have in terms of the environment  
> already being setup?  For example, can I just install VS2010/cygwin,  
> then run this script, or do I need to set my path to something  
> before I run this?
> Here's what I hoped I'd be able to do:
> Start a command prompt and then start csh
> % cd c:/wetmore/tl/make/scripts
> % sh ./ -v10

should be:
    eval `sh ./ -v10`

Unless you eval the output, the environment variables in your current  
shell don't get set.


> % cd ../../jdk/make
> % make DEBUG_CLASSFILES=true all
> But...
> /cygdrive/c/VS2010/Vc/Bin/link.exe: error while loading shared  
> libraries: mspdb100.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such  
> file or directory
> ../make/common/shared/Compiler-msvc.gmk:153: *** COMPILER_VERSION  
> cannot be empty here.  Stop.
> Looking at the resulting environment:
> [wetmore at flicker-vm4] 124 >echo $PATH
> /home/wetmore/bin:/cygdrive/c/jdk7/b116/bin:/usr/bin:/cygdrive/c/ 
> PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0SD/UTILIT~1/Bin/x86:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32:/ 
> cygdrive/c/WINDOWS:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem:/cygdrive/c/ 
> PROGRA~1/MI6841~1/100/Tools/Binn:/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/MI6841~1/100/ 
> DTS/Binn
> This doesn't seem to match what you described earlier in your Path  
> post about 5 days earlier:
> ---begin---
> The system32 paths need to be at the end, after CYGWIN, you don't  
> want the windows grep.exe.
> The VS compiler paths must be first, you don't want the CYGWIN  
> link.exe.
> The ant and jdk bin paths need to be before system32, you don't want  
> the system32 java.exe.
> So the most reliable order for me is usually: VSpaths ant jdk CYGWIN  
> system32
> ---end---
> Brad
> On 12/19/2010 11:27 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> Need reviewer: Add script to jdk7 repo
>> A while back I created a Windows shell script that could be used to
>> setup your environment
>> variables for Visual Studio compiler usage. The VS product itself
>> provides a bat file to help do
>> this, but no shell script. This script leverages the  
>> supplied
>> VS bat files for shell users.
>> See my old blog:
>> This script works with CYGWIN or MKS, and both styles of  
>> shell
>> (csh and sh)
>> environment variable setting. It's not super fast so it should not be
>> used on every shell script
>> startup, but can be used to help automate builds on Windows or
>> initialize your first shell
>> environment. If you have VS2010, to see what it generates as output  
>> just
>> run:
>> -v10
>> To setup your environment you would run:
>> eval ` -v10`
>> It works with the older VS releases, but that is quickly becoming
>> uninteresting for jdk7,
>> however this same script can be used for the jdk6 releases that use
>> VS2003 (-v7).
>> 6909331: Add to the jdk repository (handy cygwin way to get
>> vcvars32.bat run)
>> -kto

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