Building with cygwin

Kelly O'Hair Kelly.Ohair at Sun.COM
Fri Jan 8 00:21:52 UTC 2010

On both these problems I would suspect that somehow you have the
wrong "echo", and maybe it thinks it's the windows cmd echo?

So check your PATH setting and make sure that /usr/bin is
before any Windows version of echo.


Salter, Thomas A wrote:
> I’ve been building the JDK for years through the Sun partner program 
> using MKS.  Now I’m trying to build it using cygwin.  I’ve gotten 
> through the obvious path errors to the point that the make starts to 
> run.  I’m getting a lot of errors, but two in particular seem like they 
> should be easy to diagnose.  I’m sure I’m missing something simple.
> 1. Errors that seem related to parameter parsing by gnumake or bash:
>    C:/Java/Jdkdrive/cygwin/bin/tr: missing operand after `[A-Z] [a-z]'
>    Two strings must be given when translating.
>    Try `C:/Java/Jdkdrive/cygwin/bin/tr --help' for more information.
> This translate pattern only seems to appear once in the various JDK make 
> files:
>    jdk\make\common\shared\Defs-control.gmk:
>   BUNDLE_DATE := $(shell $(DATE) '+%d_%b_%Y' | $(TR) "[A-Z]" "[a-z]")
> It seems as though two parameters were collapsed into one.
> 2. Problem with printf in make files:
> This string appears in the output many times:
>    n%-60.60snn#####
> This seems to originate from this or similar code in make\Defs-internal.gmk:
> define MakeStart
> $(PRINTF) "\n\n%s\n%s\n##### %-60.60s #####\n%s\n" \
> "########################################################################" \
> "########################################################################" \
> "Entering $1 for target $2" \
> "########################################################################"
> endef
> Any ideas what I might have done wrong?
> Software versions:
>     * latest cygwin, version 1.7.1, which I just downloaded this week.
>     * GNU Make is version 3.80, source downloaded from GNU a long time
>       ago.  Rebuilt this week setting the cygwin option instead of the
>       mks option.
>     * Windows 7, 64-bit OS. (but I’m using 32-bit versions of the
>       utilities).

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