Does nobody build documentation?

Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Fri Jan 8 01:33:15 UTC 2010

2010/1/8 Joe Darcy <Joe.Darcy at>:
> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> Not many jdk developers build the docs on a regular basis that I know of.
>> The docs are certainly built nightly from the master area (jdk7/jdk7),
>> and should be built as part of the promoted build process.
>> I have not seen this problem before. I noticed that the sourcepath is a
>> little strange:
> I do build docs regularly and I'm also seeing this problem in an up-to-date
> child of JDK 7 TL I'm working with under Linux.

Both FontManager:

changeset:   1755:64b0c953635d
user:        rkennke
date:        Fri Aug 07 18:31:11 2009 +0200
summary:     6795908: Refactor FontManager

-public final class FontManager {
+public interface FontManager {


changeset:   1886:f23a3ae59169
user:        emcmanus
date:        Wed Oct 21 17:33:18 2009 +0200
summary:     6851617: Remove JSR 255 (JMX API 2.0) from JDK 7

-class Util {
+public class Util {
+    private Util() {}  // there are no instances of this class

have recently changed.  It seems it could possibly be picking
something up from the bootstrap JDK rather than the just-built
classes.  The old versions both appear in OpenJDK6 which I'm using to

> -Joe

Andrew :-)

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