Compiling awt with -Od

Pete Brunet peter.brunet at
Thu Jul 15 22:31:25 UTC 2010

make OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=NONE worked well.  Now I can see all my
variables :-)  And since make only builds the changed files nothing else
gets impacted.

Thanks for the help, Pete

Erik Trimble wrote:
> On 7/15/2010 10:25 AM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> Look at OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL, maybe
>> or
>> -kto
>> On Jul 15, 2010, at 9:53 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
>>> I am building just jdk7/jdk/make/sun/awt and I need to compile at least
>>> two files with -Od.  It would be OK to compile them all with -Od if
>>> need
>>> be.  Is there an environment variable I can set to make that
>>> happen?  Or
>>> do I need to hack a make file?  If the latter, what change is needed?
>>> Thanks, Pete
> Traditionally, you set the environment variable CFLAGS, but that would
> impact your entire build effort, not just that section.
> You might look in the relevant Makefile for that variable, and just
> change it.

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