NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/java/accessibility/util/SwingEventMonitor

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Sat Jul 31 05:31:00 UTC 2010

Try -verbose:class or -XX:+TraceClassLoading


David Holmes

Pete Brunet said the following on 07/31/10 07:53:
> This blog post has been helpful to at least start the investigation:
> However, I haven't found anything yet similar to the cases discussed in
> the blog entry.  Since SwingEventMonitor was last updated for 1.4 I do
> see the use of Class and ListModel instead of Class<T> and ListModel<T>
> but it seems like this would not cause a NoClassDefFoundError.
> Other than visual inspection (which I've done) is there a technique for
> determining what classes the class loader is attempting to load as
> SwingEventMonitor is being loaded?
> Thanks, Pete
> Pete Brunet wrote:
>> What is the correct way to fix this?
>> Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>> com/sun/java/accessibility/util/SwingEventMonitor
>>         at
>> This class lives in jaccess-1_4.jar which I copy to lib\ext and is
>> documented here:
>> Since (as far as I know) this class isn't part of the OpenJDK I expected
>> javac to fail but it didn't (at least as far as the log shows):
>> ...
>> # Java sources to be compiled: (listed in file
>> c:/OPF6CE~1/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/tmp/sun/sun.awt/awt/.classes.list)
>> ../../../src/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/Accessibility/
>> # Running javac:
>> c:/OPF6CE~1/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/J2SDK-~1/bin/javac
>> -J-XX:ThreadStackSize=768 -J-XX:-PrintVMOptions
>> -J-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -J-XX:-LogVMOutput -J-client -J-Xmx395m
>> -J-Xms128m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=160m -source 7 -target 7
>> -encoding ascii -Xbootclasspath:c:/OPF6CE~1/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/classes
>> -sourcepath
>> c:/OPF6CE~1/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/gensrc;../../../src/windows/classes;../../../src/share/classes
>> -d c:/OPF6CE~1/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/classes
>> @c:/OPF6CE~1/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/tmp/sun/sun.awt/awt/.classes.list.filtered
>> /usr/bin/mkdir -p c:/OPF6CE~1/jdk7/build/WINDOW~2/tmp/sun/sun.awt/awt/obj
>> ...
>> The source for SwingEventMonitor isn't in any of the three directories
>> in the -sourcepath.
>> What files should I provide and where should I put them, both for
>> compile time and run time?
>> Thanks, Pete

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