PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER: command not found

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Mon Jun 7 19:23:01 UTC 2010

On Jun 7, 2010, at 11:57 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:

> Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> :
>> Anyone care to be the reviewer?
>> 6959116: Fix regression in make/  
>> diff --git a/make/ b/make/ 
>> --- a/make/
>> +++ b/make/
>> @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
>>   # Check CYGWIN (should have already been done)
>>   #   Assumption here is that you are in a shell window via cygwin.
>> -  proc_arch=`echo "$(PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER)" | expand | cut -d' ' - 
>> f1 | sed -e 's at x86@X86 at g' -e 's at Intel64@X64 at g' -e 's at em64t@X64 at g' - 
>> e 's at EM64T@X64 at g' -e 's at amd64@X64 at g' -e 's at AMD64@X64 at g' -e  
>> 's at ia64@IA64 at g'`
>> +  proc_arch=`echo "${PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER}" | expand | cut -d' ' - 
>> f1 | sed -e 's at x86@X86 at g' -e 's at Intel64@X64 at g' -e 's at em64t@X64 at g' - 
>> e 's at EM64T@X64 at g' -e 's at amd64@X64 at g' -e 's at AMD64@X64 at g' -e  
>> 's at ia64@IA64 at g'`
>>   if [ "${proc_arch}" = "X64" ] ; then
>>     windows_arch=amd64
>>   else
>> -kto
> If you are still looking for a reviewer then the above looks fine to  
> me.

thanks Alan, it's on it's way.


> -Alan.

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