How to run java.exe in Visual Studio

Phil Race philip.race at
Wed Jun 16 19:53:48 UTC 2010

You may be better off posting to the awt-dev list as this doesn't sound
like a build issue, and AWT developers spend more time being cosy with
the VS debugger.


On 6/16/2010 12:39 PM, Pete Brunet wrote:
> My prior post is what I did when VS was activated due to a crash.  Now 
> that I'm not crashing I'd still like to use the debugger to set 
> breakpoints and step through the OpenJDK source.  Has anyone 
> documented how to set up an OpenJDK VS project?  I'd like VS to be 
> aware of all the OpenJDK source and the built PDBs.  Also, through the 
> VS GUI I can attach VS to the running java process, but it might be 
> better to activate java.exe from VS.  Please let me know if you've 
> already determined how to do any of this.
> Thank you, Pete
> ===
> Pete Brunet wrote:
>> VS 2010 let me create a "solution" out of the debug session that I 
>> was in when the DASSERT I was encountering caused a breakpoint.  So 
>> now I can set breakpoints and step around in the code.  I had to add 
>> a -jar "blah.jar" to the argument field.
>> Pete Brunet wrote:
>>> How do I start java.exe in Visual Studio?  I want to set a 
>>> breakpoint in ...\jdk\src\windows\native\sun\windows\awt_Toolkit.cpp 
>>> and walk through some code.
>>> -- 
>>> *Pete Brunet*
>>> a11ysoft - Accessibility Architecture and Development
>>> (512) 238-6967 (work), (512) 689-4155 (cell)
>>> Skype: pete.brunet
>>> IM: ptbrunet (AOL, Google), ptbrunet at (MSN)
>>> Ionosphere: WS4G

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