How to run java.exe in Visual Studio

Andrei V. Dmitriev Andrei.Dmitriev at Sun.COM
Wed Jun 16 22:57:51 UTC 2010

Hi Pete,

don't remember for sure and don't have VS offhand to experiment but 
basically I've made a new project and in the debug properties window 
(that might be common for most VS versions, mine is VS2003) entered the 
full-path to java.exe and also supplied it with arguments (next 
textfield). And yes, you need debug or fastdebug jdk bits to get native 
stack trace.
I've never tried to get the Java stack in VS.

Hope it helps,

Pete Brunet wrote:
> In case it's useful info, so far I tried the second option "To import an
> executable into a Visual Studio solution" here:
> but it crashes.
> Pete
> ===
> Lussier, Denis wrote:
>> I am very interested in this and NO I haven't figured it out yet.   I
>> presently build a publically available OpenJDK 6 Win32 installer.  I'd
>> love to be able to do a little basic debugging/investigation of a few
>> issues I see when running Eclipse.
>> --Denis Lussier
>> On 6/16/10, Pete Brunet <pete at> wrote:
>>> I'd like to use the Visual Studio debugger (VS 2010 Pro in my case) to
>>> set breakpoints and step through the OpenJDK source.  Has anyone
>>> documented how to set up an OpenJDK Visual Studio project?  I'd like VS
>>> to be aware of all the OpenJDK source and the built PDBs.  Also, through
>>> the VS GUI I can attach VS to the running java process, but it might be
>>> better to activate java.exe from VS.  Please let me know if you've
>>> already determined how to do any of this.
>>> Thank you, Pete
>>> --
>>> *Pete Brunet*
>>> a11ysoft - Accessibility Architecture and Development
>>> (512) 238-6967 (work), (512) 689-4155 (cell)
>>> Skype: pete.brunet
>>> IM: ptbrunet (AOL, Google), ptbrunet at (MSN)
>>> Ionosphere: WS4G

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