Need reviewer: Makefile cleanup, tools testcase cleanup

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sun Jun 20 18:21:49 UTC 2010

Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> 6960853: Cleanup makefiles, remove unused vars etc.
> 6962617: Testcase changes, cleanup of problem list for jdk_tools targets
> Misc cleanup and matching openjdk6 where it can.
> The jdk_tools2 target in jdk/test/Makefile is now run in jtreg -samevm 
> mode and all
> the jdk_tools* tests have been removed from the ProblemList.txt file.
> Marked 3 tests with @ignore and a bugid.
> -kto
I've looked through the changes.  Mostly looks fine to me but I do have 
a few comments.

In test/sun/jvmstat/testlibrary/, the checkPort function is using 
netstat without any parameters. I think this means it won't list 
listener sockets and so freePort might return a port that is in use 
(maybe use "netstat -a"?).

The tests in test/sun/tools/jstatd seem to be using the pid of the 
launched jstatd processes. Will this work with MKS? I think it creates 
an intermediate shell so we have to do a bit of work to find the actual pid.

It's a shame to see the @ignore tag added to 
test/com/sun/tools/attach/ It's the main unit test for 
this API so we loose test coverage if this test isn't run. Is it only 
Windows 2000 that this is failing? Could it be added to the problem list 
to exclude for windows-5.0 only?

As you are editing the problem list, would you mind removing 
sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ I forgot to 
remove it when fixing 6950927 a few weeks ago. Another edit in this area 
is to add javax/management/loading/LibraryLoader/ 

Minor nit is that the changes to indent by 2 spaces instead 
of 4.


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