local fclone - reorder directory moved up one level

Pete Brunet pete at a11ysoft.com
Mon Jun 21 17:35:14 UTC 2010

Back on the 9th I fcloned from http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7/, i.e.
cd \OpenJDK-b96
hg fclone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7/jdk7/ jdk7

Today I did a local fclone, e.g.
cd \OpenJDK-b96m
hg fclone \OpenJDK-b96\jdk7 jdk7

That resulted in an almost exact clone.  The only difference I see is
that in the source jdk7/jdk/make/tools/jarreorder there is a reorder
subdirectory but in the local clone that reorder directory is instead up
one level at jdk7/jdk/make/tools.

Does that make sense?

*Pete Brunet*
a11ysoft - Accessibility Architecture and Development
(512) 238-6967 (work), (512) 689-4155 (cell)
Skype: pete.brunet
IM: ptbrunet (AOL, Google), ptbrunet at live.com (MSN)
Ionosphere: WS4G
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