Need reviewers: charsets.jar fix, JarReorder changes, Poller demo change

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Tue Jun 22 21:41:46 UTC 2010


It's not a problem with your edits, but the contents of 
$(NOT_RT_JAR_LIST) arguably need cleaning up sometime.

I see all of com/sun/tools and additional redundant entries for 
com/sun/tools/classfile/, com/sun/tools/javap/, and way further down 

Perhaps it would help to sort the list (to make such redundant entries 
more obvious) and/or to build the list from macros that don't focus on 
what shouldn't be in rt.jar as much as what should be in other jar files 
-- in other words, NOT_RT_JAR_LIST should include all files and 
directories targeted at to9ols.jar.

In the new JarReorder tool, the comments about sorting on lines 257-259 
do not agree with the impl that follows (which uses an unsorted HashSet)

Also, while not wrong, you don't need the file separator handling in 
cleanFilePath, since the arg string comes from File.getPath, which 
always returns a string with normalized separators.

-- Jon

On 06/22/2010 02:13 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
> 6933622: Duplicate class files in rt.jar and charsets.jar
> 6895003: JarReorder is not excluding a requested file.
> 6939022: Source code adjustments for parfait compilation
> The first two changes are related. Excluding items with JarReorder was 
> not working
> if the item was also in the ordered classlist. Now excludes apply to 
> the ordered classlist.
> This JarReorder problem is an old one, one which we also ran into when
> javax/crypto/SecretKey.class showed up in rt.jar even when it was 
> excluded.
> This utility class has been cleaned up and hopefully is considered an 
> improved version.
> The third fix is a minor change to Poller.c where the C macro ## 
> operator was used on
> two quoted strings, which caused the Parfait tool some problems and is 
> unncessary.
> These same changes will also be applied to OpenJDK6.
> -kto

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