Need reviewers: charsets.jar fix, JarReorder changes, Poller demo change

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Wed Jun 23 00:48:06 UTC 2010


Are these changes ok for Openjdk6??


On Jun 22, 2010, at 4:33 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:

> Sounds good to me.
> -- Jon
> On 06/22/2010 04:12 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> On Jun 22, 2010, at 2:41 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>>> Kelly,
>>> It's not a problem with your edits, but the contents of $ 
>>> (NOT_RT_JAR_LIST) arguably need cleaning up sometime.
>>> I see all of com/sun/tools and additional redundant entries for  
>>> com/sun/tools/classfile/, com/sun/tools/javap/, and way further  
>>> down com/sun/tools/script/shell/.
>>> Perhaps it would help to sort the list (to make such redundant  
>>> entries more obvious) and/or to build the list from macros that  
>>> don't focus on what shouldn't be in rt.jar as much as what should  
>>> be in other jar files -- in other words, NOT_RT_JAR_LIST should  
>>> include all files and directories targeted at to9ols.jar.
>> I don't disagree, just trying to keep the hole I was digging to a  
>> reasonable depth. ;^)
>>> In the new JarReorder tool, the comments about sorting on lines  
>>> 257-259 do not agree with the impl that follows (which uses an  
>>> unsorted HashSet)
>> I'll edit the comment, I used HashSet so it was faster, but forgot  
>> to sort the final file list,
>> so I added a Collections.sort() call around line 157, so the final  
>> file order is predictable.
>>> Also, while not wrong, you don't need the file separator handling  
>>> in cleanFilePath, since the arg string comes from File.getPath,  
>>> which always returns a string with normalized separators.
>> But cleanFilePath is used on the command line arguments too, which  
>> might not be clean, or
>> might use / instead of \.
>> Figured it was harmless, and better to have a consistent handling  
>> of the names.
>> -kto
>>> -- Jon
>>> On 06/22/2010 02:13 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>>>> 6933622: Duplicate class files in rt.jar and charsets.jar
>>>> 6895003: JarReorder is not excluding a requested file.
>>>> 6939022: Source code adjustments for parfait compilation
>>>> The first two changes are related. Excluding items with  
>>>> JarReorder was not working
>>>> if the item was also in the ordered classlist. Now excludes apply  
>>>> to the ordered classlist.
>>>> This JarReorder problem is an old one, one which we also ran into  
>>>> when
>>>> javax/crypto/SecretKey.class showed up in rt.jar even when it was  
>>>> excluded.
>>>> This utility class has been cleaned up and hopefully is  
>>>> considered an improved version.
>>>> The third fix is a minor change to Poller.c where the C macro ##  
>>>> operator was used on
>>>> two quoted strings, which caused the Parfait tool some problems  
>>>> and is unncessary.
>>>> These same changes will also be applied to OpenJDK6.
>>>> -kto

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