Visual Studio 2010
Kelly O'Hair
kelly.ohair at
Wed May 19 15:03:16 UTC 2010
Windows 7 might be a fine build system for developers to use, but as
far as a formal Release Engineering
build system, I don't think we will be able to use it and still
deliver bits that would still run reliably on Windows XP systems.
The build systems are historically the older systems, and if
developers use Windows 7, it's ok, but it will always be
critical that the builds on Windows XP always work, so the developers
will need to be careful.
As far as the Microsoft Unix compatibility bits go, I would love to be
able to use it, but I could never get it to work in the past, and
it was never clear to me that it provided all the basic unix utilities
we needed, it seemed to be more focused on getting the
two OS's to interoperate instead of providing basic unix tools.
And with each flavor of windows unix tool set, we seem to end up with
more cruft in the makefiles to deal with the minor or major
differences between them all. :^(
On May 19, 2010, at 6:14 AM, David Dabbs wrote:
> FWIW, Windows 7 "Enterprise" is supposed to ship with Microsoft's
> Unix compatibility bits, so conceivably no MKS or Cygwin would be
> required.
> David
> -----Original Message-----
> From: build-dev-bounces at [mailto:build-dev-bounces at
> ] On Behalf Of Erik Trimble
> Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:36 AM
> To: Raffaello Giulietti
> Cc: build-dev at
> Subject: Re: Visual Studio 2010
> Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>> Since some days, the "OpenJDK Build README" mentions Visual Studio C
>> ++
>> 2010 as the reference compiler.
>> As mentioned by Kelly
>> (
>> ),
>> the step seems to be a stable one, at least for some years, I guess.
>> Kelly, to your knowledge, has the transition to VS2010 been adopted
>> even
>> by the formal JDK7 Release Engineering team?
>> Can we, outside of Oracle, give it a try or should we better wait
>> some
>> weeks to see the build process stabilize before risking our mental
>> health ;-) ?
> I just talked with Kelly today (I'm working on the JPRT system with
> Kelly, which is what we use internally to do the development build/
> test).
> Moving to VS 2010 isn't ready yet. You'd be welcome to try, and give
> us
> feedback, but we're still not ready to migrate from VS 2003 as the
> "official" C++ compiler yet. It works, sorta, but there's still a
> fair
> number of bugs getting the whole system working properly.
> We're also looking at updating the SDK at the same time, so there's
> issues around that, too (though, less so). And, of course, we're
> looking
> at changing the build OS itself from Windows 2000 to something a bit
> more modern. And, the latest Cygwin has issues, too.
> I don't want to sound negative, because there really has been progress
> made. It's just that we need to update a whole bunch of things, and
> Windows is a real pain, compared to the other OSes we support.
> The jist of this is this: we're actively working on updating the
> Win32
> and Win64 build setups (all aspects) to something that we can likely
> live with for at least a few more years. It's not done yet.
> It's also not quite up to just the RE Team to OK the switch - there
> are
> other stakeholders which have to OK it too.
> Kelly will have to speak as to the official adoption of VS2010 when it
> actually happens.
> --
> Erik Trimble
> Java System Support
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