Visual Studio 2010

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Wed May 19 17:09:40 UTC 2010

What Phil says...  ;^)

Zeroing in on VS2010 will remove many complex situations in the builds.


On May 19, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Phil Race wrote:

> On 5/19/2010 8:38 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
>> >no time will be spent on VS2005 or VS2008
>> Thanks Kelly, I'd like to understand why they won't be supported.
> 1. We won't be using them at all internally so we will have no idea  
> if they work.
>    Folks will complain if we say they are supported but don't work.  
> We have
>    absolutely zero cycles to even investigate this.
> 2. We we will be updating to the Windows 7 SDK to get access to
>    newer windows features. Since the VS2010 compilers include a  
> Windows 7 SDK
>    it makes things a whole lot cleaner. One install that supports 32  
> and 64 bit.
>   To support VS2005 at that point would require a mix of the SDK and  
> the
>   compiler. More complexity. Especially tricky for 64 bit where
>   the compiler we've always used is the one from the April 2005 SDK.
> 3. 2008 requires uses of side-by-side assemblies for MSVCR90.DLL
>   Whilst that has some benefits for MS,  its a real pain for any one  
> trying to
>   create their own installer.  So much so that MS changed their mind
>   and  went back to MSVCR100.DLL being a regular DLL (phew).
>   So we don't want to deal with that. It might not matter for a  
> "developer build"
>   but its a real problem when you need to go further.
> -phil.
>> -- 
>> Pete Brunet
>> a11ysoft - Accessibility Architecture and Development
>> (512) 238-6967 (work), (512) 689-4155 (cell)
>> Skype: pete.brunet
>> IM: ptbrunet (AOL, Google), ptbrunet at (MSN)
>> Ionosphere: WS4G

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