Need reviewer: fixing some rebranding issues during the build

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at
Fri May 28 16:08:35 UTC 2010

On May 28, 2010, at 6:57 AM, Weijun Wang wrote:

> The fixes look fine.
> I find an interesting thing here: Since I only build the jdk  
> repository, all jars created has MANIFEST.MF with
>    Created-By: 1.6.0_20-ea (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
> I wish in your control build it shows Oracle.

Well, that one may take some time. I'm trying to deal with the cruft  
first, so we can see the rest easier.
The java.vendor property may be where this is coming from, and before  
we change that property value
we may need to get some approvals (CCC) and provide some heads up to  
people, maybe even change a bunch
of tests, I'm not sure.  The java.vendor is NOT changing with jdk6,  
too much risk for that change.

> BTW, when is this going to an end? There are still more than a  
> thousand of "Sun" words inside the workspace and they might need  
> multiple bugs to cover. Anyway, I suggest the following be handled  
> first because they show in final builds:

I wish it would have ended a long time ago, I didn't really want to  
spend my life on this. :^(
I'm filing bugs as I go, trying to not file 1000 bugs, but more  
logical ones that cover multiple files in the same area,
with the same issue. All rebranding bugs will have the "rebranding"  
My primary task is the "Sun Microsystems" copyright patterns right now  
and anything that indicates
product ownership. Arbitrary uses of Sun in comments isn't a major  
concern to me, although I
may file the bugs just for the record if it seems appropriate.

Keep in mind that we are not after a complete purge of Sun, we just  
need to have it reflect
the correct company ownership. Making all these changes is a little  
hard to do, I was at Sun for
almost 17 years, I'm not getting any joy out of changing all these  
lines. :^(

Many of the rebranding bugs will land in the various teams lap, and  
not mine, and it will be up to the teams or
managers to determine how critical those bugs are, taking all the bugs  
a team has into consideration
of course. I won't be surprised if some just are closed out as 'will  
not fix' or 'too risky', and that may
be ok.

> . "@author Sun Microsystems" in sample directory

Yeah, the @author has been a topic of numerous discussions in the  
past, some people thinking that they ALL
should be deleted in favor of a CONTRIBUTORS file, other people wanted  
them preserved.
I would think that the "@author Sun Microsystems" lines could just be  
deleted, but I'll file a separate
bug on this. Not sure I will address it myself.


These will have to be dealt with separately, with obvious legal advice.

> . man pages

These changes should be on the way, the pubs team should be doing  
this, or may have already.

> . lib/ir.idl, lib/orb.idl

I think these actually come from the corba repository, so a full  
control build should fix this.
When you build just the jdk repository these come from the  
soon as these changes are promoted and ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH refers to a  
fresh jdk7
promoted build, these should be correct.

Thanks for the review. Always appreciated.


> Thanks
> Max
> On May 28, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Kelly O'Hair wrote:
>> Need reviewer: fixing some rebranding issues during the build
>> 6949590: exes(java.exe, javaws.exe) show Copyright Year as 2004,  
>> COMPANY as Sun
>> 6955707: Correct logic in Makefiles
>> -kto

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