Java2Demo and com/sun/image missing from OpenJDK7 clone

Dr Andrew John Hughes gnu_andrew at
Tue Nov 9 23:33:47 UTC 2010

On 9 November 2010 17:41, Pete Brunet <peter.brunet at> wrote:
> I notice that com/sun/image is missing from my OpenJDK7 clone, i.e. it's
> not in the classes directory or the rt.jar files in the two image
> directores (jre and jdk).  Also the demo itself isn't in the OpenJDK7
> tree.  Both the demo and the com/sun/image directory /are/ in the
> binaries installed with the latest 117 installer, i.e.
> jdk-7-ea-bin-b117-windows-i586-04_nov_2010.exe.
> Pete

As far as I understand that, the binaries provided by Oracle are from
a proprietary JDK7 code base (and hence have proprietary licensing).
Oracle don't produce OpenJDK binaries.
Andrew :-)

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