no gcj-jdk + no ecj + building openjdk

Gary Benson gbenson at
Wed Nov 17 09:30:02 UTC 2010

Hi Ramakanth,

It looks like you're using IcedTea, so I'm copying in distro-pkg-dev
which is the mailing list most IcedTea stuff is discussed on.

It also looks like you're using Fedora 8, which is very old.  I'm not
saying you won't be able to do a build, but you'll likely run into
problems that upgrading would solve.  So unless there you have a very
compelling reason to stick on Fedora 8 I would suggest upgrading to
the latest as your first step.

In answer to your question, ecj is the Java compiler from Eclipse,
and it's the Java compiler used by jdk-gcj-compat.  You do need an
existing JDK to build OpenJDK, and jdk-gcj-compat is probably the
only free one available for Fedora 8.


Ramakanth Varala wrote:
> Hello all,
> Iam trying to build openjdk for my fedora plat form .
> i like to build openjdk without ecj ( i guess this is eclipse related
> and eclipse IDE is  not needed )
> Currently iam getting the error as below .
> checking for distribution package version... none
> checking build identification... Built on Fedora release 8 (Werewolf)
> (Wed Nov 17 12:03:35 IST 2010)
> checking for a GCJ JDK home directory...
> configure: error: "A GCJ JDK home directory could not be found."
> can any body help me in this.
> regards


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