PowerPC build ???

David Holmes David.Holmes at oracle.com
Thu Nov 25 02:09:50 UTC 2010

kevin diggs said the following on 11/25/10 11:43:
> Is there any way to build this thing on a Linux PowerPC box (YDL 4.0 &
> 6.0). Is there a snowballs's chance in some place hot that GCC gcj
> will work?
> I admit that I have not done an extensive search for a PowerPC Linux
> jdk (May actually be one on one of the install CDs but I doubt it).
> Maybe on IBM's site somewhere?
> I do NOT define Open and run everywhere as Windows and/or x86.

Sorry don't know what the status of an open PPC implementation is but ...

> P.S.:  What is the "bootstrap jdk" used for? Access to a java
> compiler? Or does it use other "stuff" from in there?

It will supply javac, javah, and jar at least.

David Holmes

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