PowerPC build ???

kevin diggs diggskevin38 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 02:39:31 UTC 2010

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 8:21 PM, Kelly O'Hair <kelly.ohair at oracle.com> wrote:
> Kevin,
> These blogs might help explain things:
>   http://blogs.sun.com/kto/entry/anatomy_of_the_jdk_build
>   http://blogs.sun.com/jjg/entry/building_javac_for_jdk7

Thanks for the links. I'll look at these later. If they answer the
following questions, sorry.

> In jdk7/hotspot the BOOT jdk is used to do javac compilers, for some
> serviceability tools,

"serviceability tools":  What exactly is this? The aforementioned jar and javah.

> but that should probably be changed to use the BOOT jdk java with the
> javac.jar from the
> langtools repository.

"langtools repository"??? Is this in the source or "boot" jdk???

> -kto

First, thanks for taking the time to reply.

This question is a little ... weird ... but ...

Is the thought of trying to build your sdk with gcj ... heresy (sp?).
If not please give me ... your thought as to whether it has any chance
of working. I would think that if it is for compiles and the like ...
it might work ...

Also, what is in this binary plug? Am I completely wasting my time
since I don't have this? Any chance of getting a powerpc binary plug
(or access to the source so one can be built)?

This question will show my ignorance:

What is an i586 jar file? I thought a jar file contained class files
that would be platform independent? Is there native code in there to
(too? - sorry ain't not no english major)?


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