Fwd: Binary plugs download

Mark Wielaard mark at klomp.org
Mon Nov 29 14:50:55 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-11-28 at 20:52 -0500, Lussier, Denis wrote:
> Aren't the binary plugs still used for vanilla OpenJDK 6 builds that don't
> use Iced Tea??   I know I had to set them up in the OpenSCG build farm for
> Windoze and Linux, last year when I started with Build 16, and they are
> still there but perhaps are unneeded.   I also have the
> messy/scary/confusing add-on verbage in the license for the one
> click-installers explaining why it all ain't pure GPL v2.

Yes, IcedTea defaults to only use free software. OpenJDK builds still
has proprietary binary plugins for stuff like the jmx snmp daemon. That
does create a bit of a legal mess indeed. It is simpler to just do like
IcedTea does and not use those. They really shouldn't be necessary
anymore, unless you rely on the proprietary blobs for some reason.



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