open jdk 6 b20 testt

Joe Darcy joe.darcy at
Mon Oct 18 17:42:10 UTC 2010


Krishna, Vamshi wrote:
> Thanks joe,
> we want to check the API coverage of oracle JDK 1.6 update 20.
> which version of openjdk6 sources should we  used to run the tests
> against jdk1.6 update 20.


As outlined in my blog entry, there is no simple correspondence between 
the code bases of any of Oracle's 6 update releases and any OpenJDK 6 build.

The regression tests in OpenJDK 6 are for OpenJDK 6 and its 
derivatives.  Oracle's 6 update release is *not* a derivative of OpenJDK 6.


>  Will all the tests pass[ I know now that the
> javax/sound will fail]? We want to see the API coverage of JDK 1.6
> update 20. Are  there any testsuites available to check the JDK 1.6
> update 20?
> When I run the openjdk6 b20 test I do see few of the following fail
> which ideally should pass with JDK1.6 update20 right?
> Execution failed: `main' threw exception: java.lang.Error: compilation
> failed
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for null value of type Byte
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for null value of type byte
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for null value of type Float
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for null value of type float
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for null value of type Long
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for null value of type long
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for null value of type Short
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for null value of type short
>     * java/beans/PropertyEditor/ : Tests
> PropertyEditor for value of type String
> Thanks
> vamshi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Darcy [mailto:joe.darcy at] 
> Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 11:57 AM
> To: Krishna, Vamshi
> Cc: build-dev at
> Subject: Re: open jdk 6 b20 testt
> Krishna, Vamshi wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have downloaded the openjdk 6 b20 sources. I am trying to run the 
>> tests using the b20 binaries delivered from the oracle site. When I 
>> run the tests I am getting around 490 errors. All the testcases under 
>> javax/sound fail with compilation errors. I am running the test using 
>> jtreg -v jdk/test/javax/sound. If I check the joseph darcy blog, the 
>> testcases under javax/sound are passing
>> I do get below error for one testcase
>> ----------System.err:(26/1412)----------
> /alh/inh_bsxeqa/openjdk-6-src-b20-21_jun_2010/jdk/test/javax/sound/midi/
> Gervill/AudioFloatInputStream/ 
>> cannot find symbol
>> symbol : class AudioFloatInputStream
>> location: class GetFormat
>> static AudioFloatInputStream getStream1()
>> ^
>> Thanks
>> vamshi
> The OpenJDK 6 b20 sources are *not* related in any simple fashion to 
> sources used to build Oracle's 6 update 20 JDK binaries:
> "OpenJDK 6 Genealogy"
> Oracle's 6 update 20 uses a different sound engine, hence the sound 
> failures when running the the OpenJDK 6 tests. Without doing your own 
> OpenJDK 6 builds, using the OpenJDK 6/IcedTea 6 JDK now common in Linux 
> distributions is an easy way to get a build for comparison purposes.
> -Joe

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