Can't delete an old OpenJDK directory because of NUL files

Raffaello Giulietti raffaello.giulietti at
Wed Oct 27 17:17:14 UTC 2010

On 2010-10-27 18:20, Pete Brunet wrote:
> On WinXP I'm unable to delete an old OpenJDK directory because there are
> a lot of files named NUL which Windows is not able to delete. 
> I can delete them by renaming them one by one with 'ren
> \\.\c:\full_path\nul xyz' but that would take a long time.  Is there a
> command available in cygwin that will delete the directory?  Cygwin rm
> also fails to delete files named NUL.
> Pete

rd /S /Q \\.\C:\full_path_to_folder


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