openJDK7 build fails on 64bit cblfs linux

David Holmes David.Holmes at
Tue Apr 19 11:33:00 UTC 2011

luxInteg said the following on 04/19/11 21:16:
> On Tuesday 19 April 2011 11:39:23 David Holmes wrote:
>>  >   HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH = /SRS/openjdk/build/linux-amd64/hotspot/import
>>  >   
>> /SRS/openjdk/build/linux-amd64/hotspot/import
>> Have you any idea how/where these get set?
> I  have no idea also.  The settings I made are given at the top of the email I 
> posted.   The downloaded zipped archive of openjdk is unzipped in /SRS  all 
> the   spew from the sanity checks  are generated automatically.
> ( just out of interest  I read a while ago some efforts  by one of the Linux 
> distribution companies  to use cmake (coupled with ant )  for   their java 
> efforts,  perhaps such a port of build system would be helpful to openjdk7 )

So /SRS/openjdk is your source tree! It looks like the output directory 
is defaulting to be inside the source tree, presumably because your 
actual ALT_OUTPUTDIR is not set correctly? Try setting ALT_OUTPUTDIR to 
a reasonable path where you can write to.


>> I'm out of suggestions here.
>> David
>> luxInteg said the following on 04/19/11 20:21:
>>> On Tuesday 19 April 2011 02:19:16 David Holmes wrote:
>>>> luxInteg said the following on 04/18/11 23:50:
>>>>> On Sunday 17 April 2011 23:04:35 luxInteg wrote:
>>>>>> as an uPDATE
>>>>>> I did the above   then tried to run ant  and this is what happens:-
>>>>>> ant -v
>>>>>> There was an error trying to initialize the HPI library.
>>>>>> Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
>>>>>> Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
>>>> You are mixing old VM with a new JDK (or vice versa) - the HPI library
>>>> was removed.
>>>>>> #--------- an ls of ~/jre/bin shows there is no jvm
>>>>>> root [ /opt/openJDK/jre/bin ]# ls -l
>>>>>> total 244
>>>>>> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   6832 Apr 17 22:40 java
>>>> java is the launcher for the JVM. java_vm is a historical artefact that
>>>> still exists in oder releases.
>>>>> UPDATE
>>>>> The 'pre-running-make' sanity check had this:-
>>>>> WARNING: You are not building the HOTSPOT sources.
>>>>>          Hotspot libs will be obtained from
>>>>>          the location set in ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH.
>>>>> and ALT_HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH = /opt/jdk-6u24
>>>> By setting the import path you instructed it to not build hotspot. The
>>>> build logic for this is as follows:
>>>> MkExists,$(HOTSPOT_TOPDIR)/make/Makefile) ifndef BUILD_HOTSPOT
>>>>      BUILD_HOTSPOT := false
>>>>    else
>>>>    endif
>>>> endif
>>>> So by default, if the hotspot sources exist you will build hotspot,
>>>> provided you haven't explicitly turned it off, and you haven't said to
>>>> use the import path.
>>>> HTH
>>>> David Holmes
>>> I followed your suggestions and here is an update
>>> ###############  settings
>>> ###----------- premake envars set
>>> export PATH=/usr/bin:/opt/jdk-6u24/bin:/opt/ant/bin:$PATH
>>> export ALT_BOOTDIR=/opt/jdk-6u24
>>> export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant
>>> export ALT_DEVTOOLS_PATH=/usr/bin
>>> export BUILD_NUMBER=b38
>>> export ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64
>>> export ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH=/opt/jdk-6u24
>>> unset LC_ALL
>>> export ALT_OPENWIN_HOME=/usr/X11R7.6/
>>> export LC_ALL=C
>>> export LANG=C
>>> ###----------- make command execution
>>> make \
>>> [ARCH_DATA_MODEL=64] \
>>> OTHER_LDFLAGS=-liconv  \
>>> [ALT_OUTPUTDIR=/opt/openJDK]
>>> (I am not compiling as root so I wonder if the last line  is of any use (
>>> I fished it our of some  instuction on openjdk)
>>> ###############  results
>>> ###----------- premake sanity checks
>>>   HOTSPOT_IMPORT_PATH = /SRS/openjdk/build/linux-amd64/hotspot/import
>>>     /SRS/openjdk/build/linux-amd64/hotspot/import
>>>   HOTSPOT_SERVER_PATH = /SRS/openjdk/build/linux-
>>> amd64/hotspot/import/jre/lib/amd64/server
>>>   CACERTS_FILE = ./../src/share/lib/security/cacerts
>>>   CUPS_HEADERS_PATH = /usr/include
>>> OpenJDK-specific settings:
>>>   FREETYPE_HEADERS_PATH = /usr/include
>>>   FREETYPE_LIB_PATH = /usr/lib
>>> Previous JDK Settings:
>>>   PREVIOUS_RELEASE_IMAGE = /opt/jdk-6u24
>>> Sanity check passed.
>>> ###-----------  make  ends like so
>>> /opt/jdk-6u24/bin/javac -g -encoding ascii -source 6 -target 6 -source
>>> 1.4 - target 1.4 -classpath /opt/jdk-6u24/lib/tools.jar -sourcepath
>>> /SRS/openjdk/hotspot/agent/src/share/classes -d /SRS/openjdk/build/linux-
>>> amd64/hotspot/outputdir/linux_amd64_compiler2/product/../generated/saclas
>>> ses @/SRS/openjdk/build/linux-
>>> amd64/hotspot/outputdir/linux_amd64_compiler2/product/../generated/agent1
>>> .classes.list javac: file not found: /SRS/openjdk/build/linux-
>>> amd64/hotspot/outputdir/linux_amd64_compiler2/product/../generated/agent1
>>> .classes.list (No such file or directory)
>>> make[7]: *** [/SRS/openjdk/build/linux-
>>> amd64/hotspot/outputdir/linux_amd64_compiler2/product/../generated/sa-jdi
>>> .jar] Error 3
>>> make[7]: Leaving directory `/SRS/openjdk/build/linux-
>>> amd64/hotspot/outputdir/linux_amd64_compiler2/product'
>>> make[6]: *** [all] Error 2
>>> #------------------------------
>>> advice so far much appreciated,
>>> more will be even more so.
>>> sincerely
>>> luxInteg

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