Building open-jdk7 en gentoo

Frédéric Le Mouël frederic.le-mouel at
Tue Apr 19 11:53:17 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I just succeed in compiling open-jdk7 on a Linux gentoo.
FYI, after fighting a bit, I had to unset JAVAC environment variable
to let it compile. I think that this checking should be done
in the sanity makefile target.

My two cents,
Frédéric Le Mouël, Associate Professor | Phone: (+33|0)4 72 43 64 22
INRIA Amazones Team / CITI Laboratory  | Fax  : (+33|0)4 72 43 62 27
INSA Lyon - Claude Chappe Building     | Room : 235
6 avenue des Arts                      | frederic.le-mouel at
F-69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France     |

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