openJDK7 build fails on 64bit cblfs linux

luxInteg lux-integ at
Tue Apr 19 20:10:59 UTC 2011

On Tuesday 19 April 2011 16:16:00 luxInteg wrote:

> -- Build times ----------
> Target all_product_build
> Start 2011-04-19 15:13:27
> End   2011-04-19 15:39:23
> 00:02:26 corba
> 00:07:53 hotspot
> 00:00:30 jaxp
> 00:00:34 jaxws
> 00:13:40 jdk
> 00:00:53 langtools
> 00:25:56 TOTAL

> I need some guidance however  to intsall (to the filesystem)  these  with
> the j2sdk image, what to link  so programs like ant sees a jvm.
I copied the j2sdk image and it seems to be working. I set the copied location 
as ${JAVA_HOME}. I executed  ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -version and it responded.  
And   ant is no longer reporing errors.  Incidently  I tried compiling 
postgresql-jdbc  connector and it  failed. Ant was built  with jdk-1.6 so is 
it . worth  rebuilding ant with openjdk-1.7?


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