JDK8 Preliminary Repository Layout

Fredrik Öhrström oehrstroem at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 09:48:55 UTC 2011

2011/3/11 Kelly O'Hair <kelly.ohair at oracle.com>

> in the repository. If there are frequent pushes going on, either from too
> much activity or too many developers,
> someone may experience a:
>   hg push    # fails because you need to do a pull "too many heads message"
>   hg pull -u && hg merge && hg commit -m Merge    #  Or hg fetch
>   hg push   # fails because you took too long and someone else pushed a new
> one
>   hg pull -u && hg merge && hg commit -m Merge    #  Or hg fetch
>   hg push   # fails because you took too long and someone else pushed a new
> one

I suppose this is related to the fact that mercurial has developed over
But today, using merge to solve this problem would be ill advised.
I think it is much better to use the rebase extension to do
hg pull --rebase

This will move your outgoing changes to the tip and avoid the creation of an
unnecessary merge node.

Assuming that you have a large number of committers at work at the same
time, a simple solution
is to have the committers add themselves to a queue, then they get a message
(IM,mail or otherwise)
when they have exclusive access. When they are done, they relinquish their
exclusive acces or
it will be revoked automatically after 5 minutes.

Fredrik Öhrström
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