Different javac options for explicitly and automatically compiled files

Alexandre Boulgakov alexandre.boulgakov at oracle.com
Mon Aug 1 18:07:10 UTC 2011

Hello Kelly,

Do you know the answer to this one?


On 7/29/2011 11:37 AM, Alexandre Boulgakov wrote:
> Hello,
> I am working on removing the javac -Xlint warnings from java.net.*. 
> After removing these warnings, I would like to turn on javac's -Werror 
> flag in make/java/net/Makefile. However, it seems that the javac task 
> in make/java/net/Makefile has to automatically compile some 
> dependencies (not listed in the makefile, presumably inferred by the 
> compiler from the sourcepath) which have not had warnings fixed yet 
> (sun.net.idn.*, com.sun.security.ntlm.*).
> Is there some way to have the -Werror flag only apply to explicitly 
> specified source files, but not to the ones that javac pulls in 
> automatically?
> Thanks,
> Sasha

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