Different javac options for explicitly and automatically compiled files

Kelly O'Hair kelly.ohair at oracle.com
Wed Aug 3 07:31:26 UTC 2011

On Aug 3, 2011, at 7:48 AM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:

>> No. The Makefiles should be set so that the "bootstrap runtime library" 
>> is overridden
>> with -bootclasspath, meaning that the compilation will fail if the 
>> classes are not
>> available to javac in source or compiled form.
> Then where is it going to get these classes if -implicit:none is used to
> stop them being compiled from source?

As I understand it, -implicit:none just prevents the implicitly compiled source classfile images from being written
to disk.

Fredrik has some ideas on how to re-use these implicitly compiled classfiles in the build infrastructure changes,
but I'm a little shy on the details right now.

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